Friday, November 30, 2007

Online Used Car Auction Sites - Should You Join?

There's a lot of talk these days about online used car auction sites. You might ask "Are these online used care auction sites for real?" and "Should I join a car auction site?"

In this article I will answer these questions about online used car auction sites.

Where do these used cars come from and how come they are so cheap?
This was the first big question for me and basically what happens is that people default on their lease payments or car loans of their new cars and because of this, their cars get seized or repossessed by various financial institutions. After the car is seized it gets auctioned off quickly because there are large costs involved in the storing and maintenance of these vehicles.

I was surprised to learn that it's actually common practice for many used car dealerships to go to these auctions and buy several seized cars and then sell them at marked up prices! It's a little known secret that dealers really don't want us to know about.

How do these online used car auction sites gain access to these cars?
These auctions of seized cars are a very protected and secretive source of revenue for many car dealerships and it is never advertised to the general public. Thank God for the internet because these online used car auction sites are now able to gain information and access rights to let you utilize many direct sources to get great deals on used cars.

Can I check the VIN of the car that I like?
Yes! I was glad to see that the majority of the car auction sites do include a CarFax VIN report that you can view before you even place a bid. This definitely allows you to relax knowing that there's nothing fishy going on at these online car auction sites.

What condition are these cars in?
The condition of the cars on these used car auction sites was another thing I was concerned about since you can't fully inspect the vehicles yourself. Well what's great is that the government bodies take extremely good care of their vehicles and their maintenance is top notch. It is actually part of their organisational responsibility to comply with work safety legislation.

The majority of cars sold on these online used car auction sites come with service history information and various stamped log books. Not to mention many of the cars are still under the manufacturer's warranty! The greatest part about these online car auction sites is that most cars are only 2-3 yrs old and the majority have only 40,000 -60,000 kms, or 25,000 - 40,000 miles on them!

I spent about a week researching and collecting as much information about various auction sites before I finally joined one. I'm happy to say that these services are fast, easy to use, and best of all, cheap! I ended up saving a ton of cash getting my dream car, a beautiful 2 year old red Mustang!

Are you interested in using a car auction site to save tons on your next car?

Read this comparison review of the top 3 online used car auction sites, go here:

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

5 Tips to Improve Your Adsense

1. Blend your Ad background with your content. Nothing turns off a visitor more than a page that's full of loud ads. Take a calmer approach to your advertising, and make your Adsense ads look like relevant, helpful content instead of instant money makers.

2. Stay away from the Default Adsense Template. As web surfers, we all have become oblivious to the default Google Adsense layout. Alter your palette, and bring an original look to your site's Adsense units.

3. Use Blue Links. Ever since the internet was born, visitors clicked on blue links. Everyone's used to it. So stick with the blue links, and test lighter/darker versions of them.

4. Use fewer Adsense Units. When I switched from 3 adsense units to 2, I experienced a quick boost in CTR. Many of your Adsense units go unnoticed, which hurts CTR and CPM. Experiment with few Adsense units, and see if it helps your CTR or not.

5. Test, Test, Test. This is the most important concept of all. Never get too complacent with your CTR. You can probably always do better. Keep testing and tweaking, and so enough you will find the best recipe.

About The Author

If you would like more adsense tips to increase your Adsense income, claim your your free copy of Building your Google Adsense Empire now!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

A Wise Woman: Lesson #7 Love (Part A)

Lessons for Women from God's Word

A Wise Woman: Lesson #7 Love (Part A)

We learned that, in order for a woman to be a successful as a godly wife, her top priority is her relationship with the Lord and her second priority is her husband. The children come third on the list of priorities, after her husband; fourth, the home; fifth, herself; and last of all, those outside the home. We will not spend time on the third and subsequent categories, as we are mainly seeking in these lessons to learn principles of being a godly wife and a wise home builder. I will say, however, that the most important thing a mother can do for her children is to love their father. Even if the father is unsaved, seeing a mother's love expressed for their father will help the children to feel secure and to see genuine Christ-like love in action.

In all our relationships, our attitude is the key. Ask yourself: Does my husband feel that he is the most important person in my life on this earth? Do my children see how important they are to me? Be careful! Evaluate your attitude from time to time and make sure you are keeping your priorities in order.

1. Have you remembered priority number one? GOD! Being busy doing things for God cannot be substituted for a close personal relationship with God.

2. Are you remembering to put your husband before your children? Take a good look at yourself to be sure that you are not, perhaps subconsciously, putting the children's wants and needs before your husband's.

3. Check yourself to be sure you are not putting outside activities before any of the above. 4. Make sure that you joyfully serve the Lord in these relationships, allowing your life to count for God in the place where God has put you.

In lesson one, we saw that a godly wife, a godly helpmeet, is to be a helper, completer, and companion for her husband. In the last lesson, we talked about a godly woman's love for her husband. How did you do on the assignment at the end of the lesson? It is so important that a woman love her husband, centering her love unselfishly on him, desiring him alone. In Genesis 3:16, when the woman was chastised because of her sin, God said that "....thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee." The word "desire" in this verse means "to stretch out after, to long for; to run after."

Titus 2:5 tells us "That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children," The phrase "love their husbands" is one word in the Greek and means "to be fond of a man, to be affectionate as a wife." According to this verse, loving our husbands is a feeling. However, even though it is a feeling, we are commanded of God to be fond of our husbands, to be affectionate wives. We must choose to obey God in this relationship.

In Song of Solomon 8:6 and 7, as well, we see the word "love" to mean "affection." It has to do with human love for a human object and includes sexual desire. "Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame. Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it: if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would utterly be contemned."

Actions without Love

Think about the verses you studied in I Corinthians 13. Here we see the word "charity" which means "affection" or "benevolence." According to Webster's Dictionary, benevolence is "the disposition to do good; good will; charitableness; love of mankind, accompanied with a desire to promote their happiness." It is "an act of kindness; good done; charity given." "Benevolence marks a disposition made up of a choice and desire for the happiness of others." The criteria for godly love is unselfishness.

Speech (words of love) without true love is not valid. "Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal." (I Corinthians 13:1)

Service without true love is vanity. "And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing." (v.2)

Sacrifice without true love is unprofitable. "And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing." (v.3)

You may say, "I don't feel affection for my husband. I can't love that man. I just don't have feelings of desire for him. How can any woman love a man who...?" And you go on to enumerate all the faults that you see in your husband. However, when we consider the characteristics in verses 4-7 of I Corinthians 13, we find again that true love, called charity, is not just affection, not just a feeling; it is action. As the meaning of charity or benevolence indicates, love demands a choice. As you make a conscious choice to promote the happiness of your husband through acts of kindness, in obedience to the Lord, and do it joyfully, in time to come, you will find that feelings of affection and desire will also become a part of your love for your husband.

Actions with Love

What acts of kindness should be manifest in your life? Let's look again at I Corinthians 13:4-7. We'll begin, in this lesson, with verse four and conclude this study in the following lessons.

(A) "Charity suffereth long," that is, love has long patience; it suffers a long time; it endures. "And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved." (Matthew 10:22) This verse is not talking about the salvation of our souls.

That salvation only comes through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. It is talking about being saved from our persecutions, from those who trouble us.

(B) "And [charity] is kind," that is, it shows oneself useful, it acts benevolently. See again the meaning of "benevolence" above. "And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you." (Ephesians 4:32)

(C) "Charity envieth not." The root word of envy means "to look with enmity against." It is "discontentment or uneasiness at the sight of another's excellence or good fortune, accompanied with some degree of hatred and a desire to possess equal advantages; malicious grudging." "Envy is a repining at the prosperity or good of another, or anger and displeasure at any good of another which we want, or any advantage another hath above us." (Webster's Dictionary)

"For wrath killeth the foolish man, and envy slayeth the silly one." (Job 5:2)

"A sound heart is the life of the flesh: but envy the rottenness of the bones." (Proverbs 14:30) "Let not thine heart envy sinners: but be thou in the fear of the LORD all the day long." (Proverbs 23:17) In I Corinthians 3:3, we find that envy is a mark of carnality.

(D) "Charity vaunteth not itself," that is, it is not a braggart; it does not boast, extol oneself excessively, or "make a vain [rhetorical] display of one's own worth, attainments, decorations, or the like...." (Webster) This is the only use of this word in the New Testament from its particular Greek origin.

(E) "[Charity] is not puffed up." The root of this idiom is "inflate." It means proud, haughty, full of self-esteem, to bear oneself loftily. This phrase differs in meaning from vaunt in that, vaunt has to do with the mouth (our words), whereas puffed up has to do with the mind (our attitude).

In summary, love, according to verse 4 of I Corinthians 13, is long on patience and endurance, knowing that, in the end, there will be a way of escape, salvation from troubles. Love shows oneself useful to and chooses the happiness of others above oneself.

Love does not become angry, displeased, or discontent, maliciously grudging the advantage another may have above oneself. Love does not boast or brag about oneself, nor does it become inflated with pride or self-esteem, thinking oneself to be better than another.

Applying the lesson: Begin to make acts of kindness a habit. Stop and think about your actions and attitudes toward others each day, particularly toward your husband. Evaluate your actions, and be ready to apologize if your "love" does not measure up to God's standard in I Corinthians 13. Seek God's forgiveness when you fail. Seek His help to truly be a woman who loves her husband with fervent charity.

Some people only know how to make a living. With God as your Father, you can make a life.

Continue memorizing I Corinthians 13:4-8a

(All Scripture verses quoted from KJV)

written by Mrs. Y submitted by Sue C. by permission from Mrs. Y

About the Author

Having been raised in a God-fearing home on the mission field of Papua New Guinea, I accepted Jesus Christ as my Saviour at an early age. My godly mother has taught me many precious things from the Bible, and I long to share some of these things with others.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Tips for Breastfeeding in Public

Even though breastfeeding education has come along way many mums still feel uncomfortable about breastfeeding in public due to a perception that it is unacceptable. New mums can also feel a bit self-conscious about feeding in front of others and it is one of the reasons the women stop breastfeeding early.

However with a few tips and clever tricks, breastfeeding in public is possible and no longer a reason to feel stuck at home with your baby.

It's a wrap

A large muslin wrap, shawl or baby blanket wrapped around your shoulder and back is an easy way to give you more privacy while breastfeeding. It's easy, portable and will keep baby nice and cosy, especially in winter.

Breastfeeding Clothes

Breastfeeding clothes - also known as nursing wear - really have come a long way and are fantastic for discreet feeding in public. With clever built-in nursing access you can quickly latch baby on without anyone noticing or having your breasts on display. Breastfeeding tops today look like the latest fashion, so they help you to look and feel good as well.

Baby Slings and carriers

Many baby slings allow you to carry your baby and also breastfeed your baby at the same time without anyone even knowing. Make sure you wear clothing that allows you easy feeding access for your baby.

Nursing Rooms

Many large shopping centres and public places offer modern and comfortable parenting rooms that allow you to breastfeed your baby with privacy and a little quiet too. This can be great if you are a new mum and a bit self-conscious as a bit of space allows you to concentrate. Can also be handy if you have a toddler to manage as some have playpens to keep bigger brothers and sisters amused.

Plan ahead

If possible try to plan ahead and give a feed just before leaving on an outing or going shopping so you can limit the number of feeds while you are out.

As you can see with a bit of practise breastfeeding in public is possible and also convenient, as you don't have to carry or heat up bottles. With more women breastfeeding in public it will also become more socially acceptable and viewed as a normal part of mothering.

About the Author

Kelly Gough is a business mum who runs online boutique Nuvo Maternity ( while also caring for her two small boys. Nuvo Maternity specialises in nursing wear and breastfeeding clothes.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Malaysia Hotels: Playing a Good Role

Malaysia has been a fantastic destination in the world right from the time of its discovery. Anyone can hardly resist the temptation of visiting this country if he or she gets an opportunity. Shopping centers, historical heritage and magnificent atmosphere, everything is available at the tip of your finger in this country. The most important aspect of this unique country is its diversity both in terms of population and culture. Malyas, Chinese, Indian and immigrants from several other parts of the world make this county a cosmopolitan state.

It is full of gorgeous destinations. If you ever wish to be at a place where you can enjoy the best of both modern and natural wonders, Malaysia may prove to be the most suitable place for you. Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Perak, Miri, Pulao Tioman and many others worth visiting destinations in the country entice the tourists of every place. Plethora of Islands, modern cities and natural assets graces Malaysia with an eternal beauty. There would hardly be anyone who is unsatisfied with arrangements, assets and behavior of the locals in any part of the country. Malaysia has been a shopping paradise for shopping freaks.

But one thing that plays an important role in making Malaysia a hot favorite destination is the availability of magnificent hotels. There is no doubt that these comfortable accommodations satisfy every need of every visitor. Wherever you are in Malaysia, you will never have to put an extra effort in searching for a hotel that is suitable to you and to your pocket. Malaysia hotels are equipped with all modern amenities and render complete comfort.

For more information visit:

Niraj Singh is working as Sr. SEO in Binary Semantics Ltd. Gurgaon, India. He has 5+ yrs. of experience in the field of Search Engine Optimisation. His expertise is in the travel domain make him specialist in the field of Websites related to Travels.

Article Source:

Saturday, March 31, 2007

20 Tanda Gila Internet Tahap Maksimum

  1. Anda makan dan minum di depan komputer sambil melayari forum atau membaca email anda.
  2. Anda sentiasa ternanti-nanti artikel-artikel baru daripada blog kegemaran anda.
  3. Masa untuk anda menonton tv dan membaca akhbar semakin kurang kerana anda lebih banyak membaca akhbar secara online.
  4. Anda membayar bil-bil anda semuanya secara online kerana anda merasakan lebih mudah menggunakan internet.
  5. Anda memuat-turun banyak ebook lebih daripada buku yang anda beli dari kedai buku.
  6. Anda terlepas banyak rancangan kegemaran anda (Ratapan Anak Tiri) kerana masa anda banyak dihabiskan untuk melayari internet.
  7. Anda sedang berkira-kira untuk menjadikan internet sebagai peluang untuk anda buat duit.
  8. Anda menghantar lebih banyak email daripada menghantar surat melalui pos.
  9. Anda memiliki banyak akaun email sampai anda sendiri lupa akan username & password email anda.
  10. Anda sudah berkira-kira untuk mempunyai sebuah website atau blog sendiri.
  11. Anda memesan domino piza secara online untuk menyambut hari jadi anda.
  12. Anda rasa seperti dunia sudah berakhir apabila anda tidak dapat melayari internet walaupun satu hari.
  13. Anda menyiapkan assignment dan menghantar kepada lecturer dengan menggunakan email.
  14. Anda ada lebih banyak kawan online daripada kawan di luar.
  15. Anda lebih banyak mendengar radio secara online.
  16. Anda lebih banyak mengingati alamat laman web kegemaran anda daripada tarikh harijadi keluarga anda.
  17. Perkara pertama yang anda tanya kepada kawan anda adalah email mereka dan bukannya nombor telephone mereka.
  18. Anda lebih banyak menurunkan tanda tangan di forum atau email berbanding tanda tangan sebenar anda di kertas.
  19. Anda sanggup membaca sehingga habis apa yang saya tulis di sini berbanding membaca isi penting di dalam buku nota anda. :-)
  20. Dalam kata lain anda memang gila internet sama seperti saya :-)
Sekian Terima Kasih...

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Friday, March 30, 2007

Cerita Pendek Yang Pendek

Sempena dengan tajuknya iaitu cerita pendek. Aku hanya nak memberitahu yang blog aku ni tidak ada fokus atau tema tertentu sebab aku rasa aku nak cerita semua benda kat dalam blog ni. Kalau korang tanya kenapa, aku akan jawab "aku punya sukalah" :). hahaha. Itulah sahaja cerita pendek yang aku nak sampaikan. Semoga korang selalu datang ke blog ni.

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Friday, March 23, 2007

Lirik Lagu Negaraku

Akhirnya aku berjaya meletakkan lirik lagu negaraku di dalam blog.:)

bendera malaysia negaraku
Negaraku tanah tumpahnya darahku
Rakyat hidup bersatu dan maju
Rahmat bahgia tuhan kurniakan
Raja kita selamat bertakhta
Rahmat bahgia tuhan kurniakan
Raja kita selamat bertakhta

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